The Longest Snuffle Snake GIVEAWAY – you can’t miss it!
Check out the Snuffle Snake FB page (click!) and take part in our giveaway of the Longest Snuffle Snake! 
We believe that enrichment shouldn’t be done only on occasions, so we don’t need a special occasion to offer you a chance of winning the longest Snuffle Snake 😊
✔️ Post a picture of your dog’s favorite enrichment and tell us a bit about it in the comments below this original post
✔️ Like the Busy Noses & Snuffle Snake FB pages
✔️ Like & share this post (we are able to see only public shares and likes)
🏆 1st place wins THE LONGEST SNUFFLE SNAKE – 70″ long!!!
🏆🏆2nd place wins the LARGE SNUFFLE SNAKE in colors of your choice.
🏆🏆🏆3rd place wins a 20% OFF COUPON for Busy Noses Shop (
We are going by the number of likes your dog’s comment/photo gets.
⚠️ The giveaway ends Wednesday June 8th by 9pm (Eastern time zone)
⛔ 1 comment/photo per person
⛔ Must be posted on the original Snuffle Snake post not a shared one
🌎 Anyone can enter, no location restrictions, we ship worldwide
🍀 GOOD LUCK! 🍀 🤩