Aktualności i Porady

Ostatnia szansa na letnie zamówienie

Drodzy Klienci i Przyjaciele, chciałam Was poinformować, że 1 lipca zamykam sklep Busy Noses

Kolekcja świąteczna jest już dostępna

Bądźcie gotowi na wyjątkowe święta dla Waszych futrzastych przyjaciół!

Czy psy NAPRAWDĘ potrzebują zabawek węchowych?

Czy miałeś kiedyś okazję obserwować dzikie psy i to, jak spędzają one swoje dni? Cóż, ...

Przegląd narzędzi do usuwania kleszczy

Niestety, sezon kleszczowy jest w rozkwicie. Nie znoszę tych obrzydliwych pajęczaków i staram się...

Ciasteczka z sardynek i glonów wakame - zdrowa i pyszna przekąska dla psa

Sardynki uważane są za superżywność - zawierają nie tylko mnóstwo kwasów Omega 3 i witaminy D, ale ...

Przepis na dietetyczne ciasteczka z ekologicznego kurczaka, dyni i marchewki

Ostatnio mój Plaster miał poważne problemy z przewodem pokarmowym i choć już czuje się znacznie lepiej, musi być...

Czy piłki węchowe są bezpieczne dla psów?

Piłki węchowe cieszą się coraz większą popularnością wśród ludzi, którzy rozumieją potrzeby swoich psów i chcą mieć pewność ...

Join Busy Noses’ Advent Calendar

My Dears, as we slowly start to feel these Christmas vibes, I would like to invite you to join…

Christmas collection is already available in my shop on Etsy

Christmas collection of snuffle toys and enrichment puzzles for dogs, cats, and small pets is already available in…

Snuffle Macarons and how to use them?

Snuffle Macarons are one of my latest creations. They are already available in my shop on Etsy. The…

I’m a certified dog behaviorist!

?‍? I’m happy to announce that I’ve graduated from British College of Canine Studies and am now a…

Busy Noses sponsors one of the prizes in The Big Walk 2022

Busy Noses is a sponsor of one of this year’s Canine Arthritis Management Big Walk prizes. The prize…

Foraging Toadstool – my latest treat puzzle for dogs

The Foraging Toadstool is my latest creation for dogs. It has six treat compartments plus you can place…

Busy Noses’ Halloween collection of snuffle toys

The Fall is around the corner, finally! It is definitely my favorite season, with all these beautiful colors…

Duck and pear treats recipe

Late summer and beginning of fall is my favorite time of year – there are so many veggies…

Beef and melon treats recipe

Does your pup like melon? One of mine loves it, the other one couldn’t care less. But there…

Rabbit and roast nutty pumpkin treats recipe

It’s the middle of the summer and we can already enjoy some produce, for example pumpkins. I love…

Jelly bones – perfect snack for hot summer days

Summertime is great and we love it but high temperatures are real concern for all dog parents. How…

How to make old puzzles fun again

Even the coolest puzzles can get a bit boring with time, but there is a way to change…

Duck and bilberry treats for dogs – new recipe

The bilberry season in Poland is in full swing, so I decided to add them to my dogs’…

The Longest Snuffle Snake GIVEAWAY – you can’t miss it!

THE LONGEST (70″!!!) GIVEAWAY Check out the Snuffle Snake FB page (click!) and take part in our giveaway…

Doggy laundry – a safe and smart way to wash your pup’s stuff

Let’s talk the messy side of living with a dog. A furry friend means a lot of muddy…

Important info for Ukrainians fleeing their country with their pets

To get a pet passport in Poland you need to visit a vet. But due to a huge…

Delicious Snuffle Cakes – latest snuffle puzzle by Busy Noses

Snuffle cakes are my latest creation and addition to my Etsy shop. They are awesome snuffle puzzles made…

Christmas cookies for dogs – recipes

Christmas cookies for dogs Normal people bake gingerbread men for Christmas, I bake cookies for dogs. They are…

Black Friday at Busy Noses shop on Etsy

Check out Busy Noses’ Black Friday offers. Many items are 10% off.See all my products here Read more

Christmas collection is already available in my Etsy shop

The Christmas collection of puzzles and toys for pets is already available in my Etsy shop. Check it…

Popcorn snuffle pocket – new addition to Busy Noses’ range of enrichment toys and dog puzzles

Popcorn snuffle pocket is my latest creation, which is now available in my shop on Etsy. The puzzle…

SNUFFLE ANIMALS – additional section in my Etsy shop

The Snuffle Animals are very popular dog puzzles among my customers and all dogs absolutely love them. As…

Beef, pumpkin, and fresh marjoram treats

I love Autumn, with its beautiful colors, falling leaves and … pumpkins! Pumpkins are great also for dogs,…

HALLOWEEN collection of puzzles for pets

I’ve recently launched the Halloween collection of puzzles for pets. Yes, that’s  correct – for pets. Now, apart…

New puppy gift set – selection of puppy-size puzzles

Are you planning new furry addition to your family? Is your friend getting a puppy? Now you can…

Turkey and strawberries treats recipe

We finally have a season for strawberries here in Poland. I love strawberries and so do my dogs….

Snuffle planets – new enrichment puzzles by Busy Noses

Snuffle planets are latest addition to my shop on Etsy and they are perfect for brachycephalic breeds and…

Post-op enrichment activities

A week ago my dog Plaster had a lesion removed from his face and now he has to…

Vegetarian dog? No way!

If it comes to a dog diet, I can talk about it forever. Recently I’ve been asked by…

Buddha bowl for your pup

My dogs are really into fruits. And I know they are healthy for them, so I often offer…

Foraging pancakes – how to use them

Foraging pancakes are my latest creation and addition to my Etsy shop. Here is how they work:

Good news for all dog parents

I’ve been wondering how are you coping with current pandemic situation. How it has affected relationships between you…

Zapraszam na warsztaty węchowo-sensoryczne PuzzleMania

PuzzleMania – Sniffing and sensory workshop in Warsaw, Poland. Serdecznie zapraszam psy wraz z opiekunami na warsztaty węchowo-sensoryczne PuzzleMania….

Skip the bowl and let your dog choose

(Polska wersja poniżej) What is your dog’s favorite food? Does he or she like fruits? What would be…

Can dogs eat asparagus?

(Polish version below) Personally, I love asparagus. But can dogs eat it too? Well, it is “yes”, but…

Roast pumpkin, peanut butter, and buttermilk treats recipe

(Polish version below) I  know that eating the same treats everyday, even the best ones, can be boring for…

How to introduce dogs to brainwork?

Solving puzzles is extremely exciting for dogs, but if the puzzle is too difficult for a dog to…

Duck, apples, and marjoram treats recipe

I am a huge advocate of feeding fresh, natural food to dogs. My dogs eat home-made cooked food,…

“Dogs in Polish army – backseat soldiers” – my article on dziennik.pl

My article about dogs in Polish army has been recently published on dziennik.pl. These dogs are being trained…

DIY dog tag

New Year’s Eve is one of the worst nights for dogs (and other animals, of course). Sound of…

Foraging toys for „stufficidal” dogs

This kind of toy is a great idea for “stufficidal”dogs. You can use an old stuffed toy your…

How does the snuffle pouch work?

Snuffle pouch is one of my flagship products. I wanted to show you, how useful it can be…