Beef and melon treats recipe

Does your pup like melon? One of mine loves it, the other one couldn’t care less. But there is a way to feed melon to both of them: I make treats with melon! 

Here is the beef and melon treats recipe. 


✔️ 1 part of cooked lean beef 
✔️ 1 part of melon (I usually use honeydew), in cubes
✔️ 2 -3 tbsp of coconut oil
✔️ 1 egg
✔️ coconut flour (or some other flour of your choice)

Here’s how I do it:
I cook beef with some fresh herbs (marjoram and parsley are my favorite for beef). 
I let it cool down and then blend it with melon cubes, then I add an egg and coconut oil and stir well. Then I add coconut flour, in small portions as coconut flour absorbs water. If you add too much of it, you need to add more water (or the broth you have left after cooking beef). When the dough has hummus-like structure, I spread it over a silicone baking mold with tiny pyramid-shaped hollows. I bake it for about 20-30 minutes and then turn off the oven, slightly open its door and leave treats to dry.